8 Ways To Grow Your Sales On Shopify Plus

If you’ve signed up to Shopify Plus, chances are you’re serious about upscaling your business. The world of e-commerce is well-populated, however, especially on a popular platform like Shopify. It means it’s increasingly difficult for new e-commerce sites to compete with big-name brands.

To dominate your market, you’ll need to raise brand awareness, build customer loyalty, and generate qualified leads to your Shopify store. Ultimately, this all amounts to the same thing: bigger and better sales. While e-commerce marketing can be complex, there are simple steps you can take to increase your sales online.

  • Be Concise

It only takes around 0.05 seconds to make an impression with your website. During that time, the user decides whether they will stay or leave. The human attention span is getting shorter, so you need to make every word and image count.

To reduce your bounce rates, make it clear what you’re selling and why yours is the best product on the market. Use a simple font, clear images and bullet-points in your product descriptions. Stick to informative content and keep your pages clean and concise.

  • Optimize Product Descriptions

While you want people to engage with your website, you also need to rank in search engines so that people can find you. To do this, you’ll need to understand both your target audience and your products. Write clearly and concisely about what your product does and use keywords and phrases without overstuffing. You can also optimize images by including keywords in the file name, ALT tags and image description. If you need help with this, you can consult a Shopify developer.

  • Get To Know Your Customers

The relationship between your product and your customers is fragile. While someone might have strong motivations for visiting your online store, they will also have objections. They may worry that your product or Shopify services are too expensive or that the shipping will take too long. They might not trust your brand or be concerned that they could get a better deal elsewhere.

The only way to understand and address these concerns is by getting to know your customers. Engage with them on social media. Host live Q&As and ask for surveys and feedback. Once you’re aware of your customers’ objections, you can address them head-on by featuring FAQs in your product pages.

Content builds relationships. Relationships are built on trust. Trust drives revenue.” – Andrew Davis, Marketing keynote speaker, and bestselling author.

  • Embrace Apps

The great thing about Shopify Plus is that app integration is seamless. There are plenty of apps on the Shopify app store that can help boost your sales, many of which are free. Persistent Cart can be helpful if you’re facing shopping cart abandonment, while Swell will help you create a user-friendly loyalty programme to keep your customers coming back.

  • Install Live Chat

Live chat is the best way to approach customer concerns, as it lets you talk to the customer when they’re right in the middle of a sale. Rather than having to wait for an email response or leave their computer to make a phone call, they can resolve queries there and then. The Quick Facebook Live Chat App lets customers send a message to your Facebook inbox via your Shopify store – and it’s free to use.

  • Hire Shopify Expert

Shopify experts and Shopify web developers can help you get the best out of your store so you’ll maximize sales. They can help you launch on Shopify Plus, migrate from another platform, and build the business you want.

Coupons give customers incentives to shop at your store, especially if they’re sent just at the right time. If you want to convert a prospect or approach a previous customer, you can. Apps like Bulk Discounts let you create thousands of unique Shopify discount codes in just a few clicks. You can then use MailChimp to send them out to your mailing list.

  • Vary Your Content

Product descriptions should be clear and concise, but that doesn’t mean they should be dull. To compete with big brand stores, you’ll need to use a variety of content mediums. Pictures and text are essential, but video can be even more engaging.

Studies show that brands who use video marketing get 66% more customer leads a year. The same brands see an increase in brand awareness of over 50% in that same timeframe. You can use videos to show your product in use, film a tutorial about how your product works, or work with a YouTube influencer to promote the item.

To Conclude

Going the extra mile and creating a standout Shopify store will do wonders for your revenue. Your brand and reputation will also flourish the more people know about your products. However, that doesn’t mean you have to completely overhaul your site or start a new Shopify e-commerce site from scratch. Sometimes even the smallest changes can have a significant impact on your sales.


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We have many other valuable and informative posts that you will help you to continue to optimize your websites such as The 3 Shopify Design Mistakes To Avoid, how to use Social media in your e-commerce store, 6 ways to boost your shopify store, and How To Build A Seductive Online Store.

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